Them with Phone Number Database for advertising. . "It's been reduced considerably and it's going to be reduced even further," he added. explained that the objective of this measure is to allow all the media to have these spaces within their phone number database programmatic bars so that they can be commercialized and, with this, have another source of income. The UK joins the NFT initiative What are State Time and Fiscal Time? The head of the Phone Number Database was referring to the Fiscal Times in the Media that, by law, the federal government can exploit in the way it deems appropriate in all radio and television Phone Number Database in concession in the country.
According to the General Directorate of Radio, Television and Cinematography (RTC) , an agency dependent on the Ministry of the Interior Phone Number Database these are "transmission spaces that the Mexican State has in radio stations and open television channels to disseminate educational, cultural and social interest topics. They are constituted by State Time and Fiscal Time”. In this sense, it should be noted that said regulation contemplated in the Federal Law of Telecommunications Phone Number Database Broadcasting , establishes that the management of these spaces are administered by RTC and the National Electoral Institute .
Distributing 88 percent and 12 percent , respectively, in electoral periods. Compensation for advertising divestment According to the Phone Number Database government, the decree is as part of a support to the concession media because the investment in advertising was reduced by 50 percent . This was a campaign promise Phone Number Database began to be implemented when the new administration entered but it was in April 2019 when the new Social Communication guidelines were officially established, which reduce the official advertising budget by 50 percent and promise a distribution more Phone Number Database spending between the media.