Connections between the company and its community. Its main function is to create value for people who are interested in topics close to the functions of the organization for which it works. In the example above we showed you how one of our community phone number list contacted one of our users. Although, in this case, a social selling function was achieved, the administrator's objective was to share more product information to improve the user experience. We recommend that social selling be an extra result to the main objective of the community manager and digital marketing; your goal always has to be to add value to your followers. Additionally, we suggest you not leave your personality at home, be nice, be a person. When you are managing the social accounts of a very phone number list brand, or one that only sells corporate products it may seem difficult to express your uniqueness, but the industry has started to change its b2b (business to business) marketing tactics to repackaging those of b2c ( business to consumer).
In other words, when before they tried to sell a product based solely on its physical characteristics, now they try to sell the image of the brand. Such is the example of volvo, which with an iconic commercial demonstrated the stability of its trucks. Clearly, a phone number list that only other companies bought and by the way, the commercial was the winner of several international awards. In the same way that advertising is evolving, we have seen an evolution in its social networks. Remember that when you reply to a tweet from another company, you are phone number list not speaking to a faceless entity, you are speaking to a person on the other side of the screen. The previous point phone number list to one of the most important tasks of a community manager, creating conversations. That is why it is important that you use your personality and align it with the culture of your company; doing it this way will add intangible value to your communications and thus achieve a higher share rate.
Finally, one of the points that i want to mention about community managers and digital marketing is the monitoring of information shared on social networks. You'd be surprised, but many community managers don't review mentions of their brand, don't keep phone number list of meaningful interactions with their customers, and therefore don't quantify their efforts… that is, they can't measure their roi. We have a system where we quantify our interactions in mrm (meaningful relationship moments) or "significant relationship moments". These interactions are phone number list in a database where we track them after a while to see our results and add more value to our users. And to all this, what is an mrm? We define it as the instance where one of our tweets or posts changed a user's attitude in favor of hootsuite.